Tuesday, May 24, 2011

One Month Left

Today is May 24th, which means I have exactly one month left in Argentina. Where have the past three months gone? Now I really feel the pressure to do everything in the city. It is easy to forget you are still partially a tourist when you are living here for such a long time.

My flight is July 3rd...I will be home just in time for July 4th. I plan on taking one last trip at the end of the program. I am either going to Salta or Chile. Everyday I change my mind. I really wish I could go to both, but they are a 20 hour bus ride from each other. I also would love to go to Bariloche, but there is just not enough time. I will definitely have to return to Patagonia one day. Its funny... a year ago, I thought Patagonia was just a brand like North Face.

Last weekend I stayed in Buenos Aires. I really like the weekends I stay in the city because there is so much to do. We finally went to this new club called Bahrein. There were two floors so when we got bored of one scene we just went upstairs to try something new. We also got in for free with these coupons. Now that I only have one month I want to try new bars and boliches.

On Friday, I went to the free cooking class provided by IES. It was awesome to see this chef make empanadas, dulce de leche dessert, steak, and other delicious food. At the end of the class we all got to try some of everything. I plan on using the empanada recipe in the United States and cooking for my friends. I really do miss cooking here. 

The carne for the empanadas.

They let us fill the empanadas.

Dulce de Leche dessert

I finally ventured to the Salon for the first time. Waxing is incredibly cheap here. I have always wanted to get my legs waxed, but I never wanted to pay for it. It was only $7 here! They also do not use paper here, but honey wax. It was quite the surprise when she yanked the wax off. I think it hurt a lot less than the American method.

Today I explored the wool district in Palermo. I was so proud of myself for getting home from Palermo. For someone without a sense of direction, it is amazing how far I have come from the first couple of weeks. I did not have a map or my guia t (the guide of all the bus routes) and I managed to find the subway. Anyway I bought some wool to start making a scarf. This girl knits every spanish class and I have been extremely envious. I really miss knitting.

 Time to celebrate the feriado (holiday) - no class manana!!

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