Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Last Thursday I spotted my first robbery. I was running to meet up with Lawrence and Megan when I had to wait at the stoplight. Then I heard a glass break, a woman scream, and a man with a motorcycle helmet casually hop on his getaway and speed through the recently turned green stoplight. Cars around the crime honked, but for the most part all the pedestrians were just watching with their mouths open wide (me included). There was really nothing we could do; his friend was waiting with the motorcycle. It was definitely one of the most interesting things I have ever seen...and scariest.     Last weekend IES provided a free field trip to Lujan. 
Our itinerary broke down to 10 minutes inside the church, 10 minutes at the museum, and a 3 hour lunch. They really know how to plan a day. I have never been so full in my life. We were given empanadas, appetizers, salads, pasta dish, meat dish, and every type of dessert. 
After lunch we went to the farm to look at the animals we just ate. I really could have done without seeing the rabbit bunnies I just tried at lunch :( 
After the farm we went to a mushroom farm. In case we were still hungry they served us mushrooms. How could I resist? I literally could not eat dinner that night. 
Also last weekend my host family had a huge family dinner. We had so much funny listening to the beatles, queen, creedence clearwater revival, and many other favorites. One of the cousins made everyone at the table sing a solo. It was great practice for my spanish (minus the singing in english). 
My host mom and her beautiful artwork.
 I also decided I want to put a couple more pictures of my host family up since they are such a large part of my abroad experience.
Ronnie is so fascinated by the the shower tile.
 And finally my favorite t-shirts. They obviously do not make any sense but they are wonderful.
"The Love, Girls Only, We Love Heart"

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