Saturday, May 20, 2017

First Day in Ireland

This morning I landed in Dublin at 4:30am. I had a very smooth flight where I slept the first few hour sand then watched Manchester by the Sea and La La Land. It was a great opportunity to watch the Oscar winners for best film, actor, and actress. I have already seen La La Land in theaters but given my obsession with the soundtrack, I was over due for second time.

My first impression of Dublin was how nice everyone was to a young female traveler lost in her search for the Arlington Hotel. I had multiple offers of locals offering to direct me to my next destination. 
I took the bus to the city and walked around to find the hotel. I was shocked that Starbucks was not open until 7am (since it's Saturday). That would not fly in America! I was a little disappointed to see the street next to us has Starbucks, McDonalds, and Burger King in a row. That was the thing I loved most about my trip to Vietnam. I didn't feel like I was in America.
I took a run down the river this morning and it was absolutely stunning. I stopped and took photos of the water. 

There was a bridge I swear has an exact replica in Buenos Aires. I then took a nap and went to explore the city. I was proud of myself for finding the hostel that leads the bike tours (and on time!) Unfortunately the bike tour was full and I did a self guided walking tour. All in all, it was a lovely first day in Ireland. I am excited to hang out with the rest of the group after my day of solo traveling.

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