Saturday, May 27, 2017

Peace Lines

Today we checked out the peace lines between the protestant and catholic communities. The lines were built in 1969 to help decrease the violence for six months. Obviously the walls were never taken down and have now become a tourist attraction for powerful messages of love and peace. We heard from two local cab drivers about the history of conflict. 

One thing that stood out to me was when the communities sent children to America for summer camp to integrate the two religions and help relieve some of the tension.
The goal was to encourage relationships without the influence of their family and communities while they were still young and impressionable. 
The program was successful but then the children returned to Ireland where they were once again segregated. The two communities had to find a way to reunite the two groups and make a lasting difference so they started an integrated school for the children to attend. 
I loved the idea that change was up to the youth.

My favorite part about the wall was seeing the female empowerment in the city.

“Women’s Voices Matter… Equality for all.”
“Nevertheless She Persisted”
“I’m sorry for trump, please forgive use”
“Build bridges, Not walls”

I added the famous Gandhi quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

I think this wall was extremely powerful given our current political stance in the world. I truly believe a wall is not the answer between the United States and Mexico and I think we should try to learn from history rather than make the same mistakes.

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